Tuesday, April 29, 2014

On Worriers

I am a worrier. I seem to be wired for it, and it is not that I look for things to worry about. In fact I look for things that are not worrisome. I try not to get into knotty, philosophical problems any more than I have to at this point. I engage in mindless entertainments, sometimes stuff that is pure, out-of-this-world silliness. I watch beautiful science programs, and when I am beset by people and situations that need my most profound calm and loving self, I balance this out by watching or listening to situations that are just plain goofy.

One who lacks trust...

Because I have a spiritual profession, I am caught in a deep concern about worry because the worrier is often seen as one who lacks trust in the Infinite Presence. Not so, as far as I am concerned. In fact if I didn’t have the sense that I am encompassed about by the larger life, I’d be a lot closer to being a basket case.

Responsibility junkies...

I think people of my ilk become responsibility junkies over time. We not only have natural concern about others; they also end up under our wings, and with the passing of time it gets mighty crowded under there. Wisdom would have us remember that if we don’t care for ourselves, we will eventually wear out and not be worth a damn to anyone. No one needs broken heroes.

The nature of life is basically good...

So…..worriers can come to know and pay attention to their own vulnerabilities. They really aren’t made of stone. They can take the world off their shoulders at regular intervals. Maybe actually trust that people and circumstances will manage without their direct intrusions. Maybe they can remember that the nature of life is basically good and can do quite nicely on its own.

….Or is this something else to worry about?

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