Tuesday, July 12, 2016

On The Practice of Prayer

As a retired minister, I do, from time to time, like to talk about that most valuable, spiritual practice…prayer. Prayer is a connection with Something greater than ourselves, however we may view this. It is also a practice, not something we are working to “get right,” but more a skill we burnish to keep our connection to the Infinite clear and available. I am a metaphysician who believes in complete Unity with God, so I feel no need to get a connection to that which is already part of our very existence, only to keep it refreshed and easily accessible. Consequently…not “better” or “worse” prayer, only a favored form.

Touch their foreheads...

Some like to touch their foreheads to the floor; some fold their hands together in reverence; some like a prayer of supplication; others whirl in ecstasy. I use prayer as the practice that returns our focus upon the Infinite Presence, often as a form of “imminent salvation,” because there will be times in our lives when we face things so horrendous that it is only the natural movement inherent in prayer that gets us through the difficulty in front of us. It does not necessarily make everything all right again, but it does remind us that life and healthy living still lie in wait.

Relief and release...

Prayer also helps to remind us of who we are…as Wayne Dyer said, spiritual beings living a human life. It brings guidance and clear thinking; it can bring relief and release. Prayer is also a place of remembrance so that we never get too far from our spiritual core, and some of the most loving, renewing prayer does not involve doing or getting, but simply allows a quiet place of being.

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