Tuesday, August 1, 2017

On No Big Deal

As thinking human beings, we have the choices of how we shall think, what thoughts we shall entertain…and how we shall respond to the daily surprises that sometimes come our way! When stuff happens, often things we did not initiate, is it always necessary to expend 100% of our energy on everything? Surely it is exhausting to throw a giant hissy-fit every time something goes wrong! Must everything be a humongous, earth-shattering big deal? The answer, of course, is no, so it becomes our task to decide what is a big deal, what is a little deal, or perhaps what is no deal of ours at all!

"Some days are like that"...

On days when multiple breakdowns seem to be surrounding me, I have taken to protecting myself by saying, “Some days are just like that.” I can and do turn to prayer as soon as possible, but this little statement gives me pause so that I can let my thoughts fall into place.

We can get intrusive at times...

It really is up to us to decide just how much energy we are going to throw away on upsets…and it is also ours to decide which upsets are really not ours to handle. We can get intrusive at times, and it’s very easy to take on a deal that is someone else’s.

Are we an Atlas?...

Are we an Atlas who must carry the world on our shoulders? Seriously? Or are we way more valuable than that and will decide where and how we shall bring our energies to life? Bears thinking about, doesn’t it?

More Essays About Everything is now available on Amazon
You might also enjoy "On Surrender."

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