Tuesday, August 7, 2018

On The Pause That Refreshes


Several decades ago a soft drink advertised itself on TV using a very clever line. It spoke of itself as “the pause that refreshes.” How could the viewer not smile at the obvious allure? The obvious message was: Let’s just take a good, cool draught of the soda, back off, and enjoy a few minutes of time out. Actually it was a smart idea then and is even more so now. In a hyped-up environment that is frequently steamed up in hyperdrive, we can use more effortless pauses than ever. In fact many people exercise their minds to “step back” before responding to a heated moment or a loaded situation when an instant reaction could turn a tenuous circumstance into a train wreck!

The still candle of order...

When we find ourselves in public circumstances, whether national or local, that can become unstable at any moment, it may be we ourselves who must hold the still candle of order within us, and sometimes it takes just one, thoughtful person to allow a quickening situation to settle back down to a manageable place.

Enhances the general good...

Perhaps it would be a good idea to take an inner look to see what we know of ourselves. Do we excite easily? Do we let the latest headline or media blast get us all worked up? What do we consider important…our daily lives, family, friends, environment, work and social settings? And would we be one of those who could be trusted to behave in a way that enhances the general good?

Without doubt, the cultivation of the inner pause that refreshes would help more than we might

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