Tuesday, July 16, 2019

On Love

    I do not believe we are fully alive if we have not loved. If we haven’t opened our hearts to someone or something that stirs us to our cores, there is a place in us that lingers in shadows. It is not that real love only involves other people. It can involve a passion for a work that is so deep and demanding that we continually chip away at it, sometimes with success, sometimes not. If, on the other hand, our hearts grow wings when a special person is around, we will find light and laughter wherever the beloved is.
Love takes many forms...     

      Love, of course, takes many forms as it grows into families and communities. And there are times when we think of love when it is not present, when the light of love is not on hand to initiate and surge within our days. Then we urge it to hurry here, to find us fast so that we do not suffer the loneliness of love not realized.
  What does lie around the corner....?

       Fortunately one day follows another; one corner opens out to another, and possibilities are endless. Yes, we must guard our hearts from the profane, but what does lie around the corner…?


        And if love is lost…don’t even think about it…

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