Tuesday, October 15, 2019

On Connections

Connections really are some of the movements of life in us. Naturally there are the inner connections the body must make to stay healthy and operational, but there are those external to ourselves that remind us that we belong to life. However strong or subtle, it is our touches with others that keep us in the throes of life’s shifts and changes.

 The tides of love...

We may find satisfaction in our own company… everyone needs contemplative times to be able to examine his own thoughts… but we feel the tides of life in our interactions with each other. How can we exchange love but through the look in the lover’s eyes and the smile of a friend’s loving concern for us!

How vital our lives are...

It is through connections that we have cause to remember how much our activities, families and loved ones mean, for they remind us of how vital our lives are and how truly meaningful we are to others. We help to recognize the good times with others… and we have the quiet empathies to know how others feel when they are sorrowful.

A silent touch of encouragement...

Yes, a word or two or maybe no words at all… maybe a silent touch of encouragement when someone needs it. These are the connections that count, the ones that help us remember that, no matter where we find ourselves, we are still in the game.

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