Tuesday, January 21, 2020

On Taking Chances

    I do not really think of myself as an adventurous person since I like orderliness of activities in the course of my days. However I have to say that marrying a man who flew with the Polish Squadron over England during WWII was a bit adventurous on my part, and for all the wonderful years that we had each other, our lives took some vital turns together. Mostly, though, the interesting extensions in my life can be found in my mind, for there is always a new road to take and an idea, no matter how “out there” it may be, to explore.

A preliminary peek...

I believe that it is our willingness to be upset that keeps us from hurrying into old age and the willingness to forego some comforts that help to keep us compelling. Even if there are some discoveries that prove to be unprofitable in some ways, I’ll at least take a preliminary peek.

The searching child...

We have capacities to engage in more life-stretching models than we imagine. All one has to do is watch the searching child, newly on foot, move through every highway and byway on hand, so much so that the adults around must keep him from dangers he knows nothing about. Did we become so “civilized” over time that we lost the sense of curious wonder more than we should have?

Ever wonder what it would take to get some of this back? I do…

http://More Essays About Everything is now available on Amazon

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