Saturday, February 8, 2014

On The Rain


Finally, it’s here…the rain…and I should be thrilled and glad that it is. Lord knows we need tons, gallons, mountain snows, filled river basins, and huge reservoirs of it! In our neck of the woods our lands are parched because we live in a drought-prone state and always need to conserve, even at the best of times. Pragmatically I’m glad the spigots of heaven are fully open, and I know they need to stay that way for a good spell. Existentially I’m a little depressed. Being a person who is physically not well insulated, I enjoy the warm weather. I suspect that if I ruled the cosmos, every day would range from 70-75 degrees, and if we must have rain, it would fall from 12- 4 a.m. in the morning, just like in Camelot.

I am not a pluviophile...

Fortunate it is that I am not the Weather Queen. I’d disrupt every industry with my preferred insistence on certain weather configurations. What about the grape growers in wine country? Or the ski lift operators in the Sierra? I admit it; I am not a pluviophile. I like being nice and dry, although I very much enjoy my daily shower, which makes no sense at all, but then, perhaps it is unwarranted to assume that we are truly rational beings.

Why do we resist what we need most?

I am not going to lose sleep over rainy days. Everyone on the west coast knows we need them, especially this year. But knowing and liking are two different things, which causes me to wonder…why is it that we so often resist what we need the most?

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