Now that I have more time to play with ideas, one of my favorites showed up recently, one that I am in a good position to explore, to wit: There’s got to be a good reason for getting older! There are lots, of course (not even considering the obvious one,) and one that comes to mind is this: Older people know that they will not die from disappointments! When you’re young, disappointments feel like sword thrusts, but as time goes by, they become a little more like pinpricks. Not that pinpricks don’t hurt, but they aren’t that big a deal any more.
"No, thanks"...
Just recently one of my older breakfast buddies (and, yes, there is always someone older than I am…yet) and I were talking about my book, Essays on Everything, which she professed to keep in her car (to read when the stoplights turn red, maybe?). When I offered her a copy of my second book, More Essays on Everything, she was taken by surprise, stuttered a bit, and said, “I’ll get back to you.” Poor dear! She seemed not to realize that “no, thanks” would have been a perfectly acceptable answer. I know that not everyone loves my books the way I do. The pinprick was a small one, and I got on with my day.
Disappointments can toughen...
I think there really is something matchless about learning that we are much more durable than we think we are. No matter how well we may plan and arrange things, we simply will not be able to avoid disappointments. People, situations, hopes and dreams will sometimes not turn out the way we planned, and maybe it’s just as well. Disappointments can toughen us up a bit for when some inevitable losses occur.
Another day...
Small comfort at the time, perhaps, but tomorrow really is another day…as new as we will let it be.
More Essays About Everything is now available on Amazon
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