Tuesday, February 26, 2019

On Leadership

         For many, the national leadership in America may be troubling and discouraging, but there is a positive that is showing up for us as well. Many of us are examining our own leadership possibilities! I see this surfacing in large groups and small as people are becoming more interested in taking responsibility for more of their own lives. There is a deep sadness in realizing that we cannot always trust our major leaders, but there is some real wonder at watching ourselves deciding to step into leadership spots.

We can trust ourselves...

Through many positions we have undertaken in our lives… overseeing a family, being responsible for a job, guiding groups through church activities, etc… we have learned that we can trust ourselves. Others who come to know us will too as we step forward into perhaps more public situations. Perhaps there is more for us to do than we had imagined. Perhaps we are more profound that we thought!

A greater good to life...

It is very exciting to discover that we are more than we think we are, that there is another arena within us that can bring a greater good to life. Can it be frightening? Yes, it can, but once discovered I don’t think we can put this part of ourselves back to sleep. I believe it will call to us until we find its outlet.

Let’s do it!
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