Tuesday, July 6, 2021



These days I think that many of us are more willing to live in the world of possibilities rather than hard, accomplished facts and outcomes.  Of course we need to experience the results of what we put in motion, but I think that we are also more willing to live in the slippery world of what may always be taking form; in other words, in the world of “becoming” possibilities.  Yes, some things may be distinct and recognizable only in certain ways, but there are now even more effects that are changing form even as we are experiencing them.  This tells us that we need to be ready for regular unsettlings.  We need to be ready for multitudes of activities that change regularly rather than one distinct and changeless outcome.

Fraught with possibilities...            

This can be unsteadying to say the least.  What are we to do when something we have set in motion becomes fraught with possibilities we had never imagined?  To be sure, we need to keep a flexibility open in us that allows us to bob and weave when necessary.  More, though, we will need to entertain a mindset that welcomes the unexpected.  In a fast-moving, ever-shifting world of actions and forms that are ever subject to ideas that overwhelm what lies before us, we will need to expand our notions of what is possible so that we can work with what is ever developing!

 More Essays About Everything is now available on Amazon


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