Tuesday, April 22, 2014

On Time Passages


As seamless as time may actually be, we in our humanity seem to have to segment it, some segments having more value than others. Or so we determine. Were young years, busy years really more value laden than older years, perhaps more reflective if we allow for reflection? There is a well-known platitude often spoken that suggests “it is not the years in our life that matter, but the life in our years.” Prosaic, maybe, and probably very oversimplified, for who knows how to assess life and what we may have overlooked even when we had more verve to look.

We are glad to see familiar footprints...

Some of us “bend our knees,” metaphorically at least, to certain disciplines we have honed over time. Once they may have taken strict turns of thought to get them in, but perhaps over time their well-worn track now beckons with more ease and charm, and we are glad to see the familiar footprints.

Regrets...are useless...

Certainly we now know that regrets over what might have happened, could have happened, should have happened are useless. Nothing can change this. What is available always is what is on hand for us now. Recently I saw a video of a woman in her high 70’s who is a prize-winning body builder, justly proud of her fine, fit body and superb health. Easily she tossed off the comment that “age is only a number.” Yes, it is…but it is a number, a segment in our relentless march through streaming time as we mark our passage. I think that if we do not notice this passage with real attention and thoughtfulness, we could be in danger of becoming a caricature of who we have been rather than the fully-orbed character living into the expansiveness of who we are always becoming! 

Sweet, regular markings...

Technology is a wonderful gift, but it can be intrusive if we are inattentive to it. I think we need time alone with our own thoughts, sweet, regular markings, without a tweet or a text to interrupt the flow. We did perfectly well before they came along.

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