Tuesday, May 5, 2015

On Spirit as Flow, Spirit as Form


I believe that one of the biggest mistakes we tend to make in trying to live more spiritual lives is the attempt to divorce ourselves from forms and conditions. Somehow we have tended to see these as “unspiritual,” and this, I believe, is counterproductive thinking. How can essential Spirit find a means of expression if It cannot use a form through which to express? And would we want to think of forms and conditions as if they were really devoid of Spirit? This would make them all second rate and unlovely. Who would want to think of a sunrise as less than inspiring? Or a work of art as less than admirable? Or an excellent achievement as not worthy of relevance? What would be the pleasure of living on earth?

Stand before our own burning bush...

It may be so that some spiritual revelations are ineffable. They unfold within us; they bring a light to the mind, and we, like Moses, may stand before our own burning bush, which we stumble to interpret. Nevertheless eventually all our lights to the mind make their ways into visible, sometimes tactile, means of expression if we are to apprehend them at all. And one person’s light can be ushered through many means so that other lives may be touched by it. How often have we seen this?

All is Spirit and nothing is not...

Perhaps we are just splitting hairs when we quarrel over what is spiritual and what is not. Perhaps we are more correct when we realize that all is Spirit and nothing is not. It may be true that we allow some conditions to be made from ignorance and malice, but self correction is an option. Always was, always is. When we understand the flow of Spirit within us, we will naturally give It the means to create better, more beautiful, forms.

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