Tuesday, December 6, 2016

On Holy Work

We like to make a distinction between what is holy…and what is not. Not easily done if we happen to believe in the unity of all life moving within the scope of the Infinite. In this case we really cannot discriminate between holy and unholy if it is original Wholeness (or holiness, if we prefer) in which we live and move. We can only say that, when we do not know who we are or what we are doing as spiritual beings, we make unholy use of the holy. This is what unity means. If we are truly intending to do a wonderful work for the general good, a “work for God,” so to speak, we can know that we not only work for God, we work in God. Again, this is what unity means.

Holy materials...

It takes a great, long look to discover that all the living, breathing, loving, hating, attracting, revolting, healing or venom spewing that we may be shaping with our innate gifts, we are using holy materials, and nothing less. Taking this view, we must admit that the bastard is as holy as the greatest saint and that the greatest sin we can commit is in not knowing who we are and, by the same token, who are brothers and sisters in life are.

Self and "other" is an illusion...

So…do we wish to do “holy work?” Do we wish to bring good to life through our thoughts and acts? Do we long to make life better because we have lived and shared ourselves with others? This is entirely do-able as well as laudable. We can make the efforts to learn that self and “other” is an illusion. We are simply mistaking the necessary use of forms needed for recognition for some sort of universal reality. We can make the efforts to learn of and begin to share our universal reality intimately and lovingly and, in doing so, affirm and treasure it.

This would be true, holy work.

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