Tuesday, September 25, 2018

As Time Passes

      One thing we can count on…Time will pass, and there isn’t anything we can do to either slow it down or speed it up. In our psychologies, we have determined that there are essentially two kinds of time, psychological time and sidereal time. Psychologically speaking, time can either seem to drag on or fly away. When a child anticipates a birthday, it can seem that time will never pass fast enough for the special day to arrive. (Long ago, I remember thinking that my 21st birthday would never arrive!) If, on the other hand, we worry about getting older, those birthdays can just seem to pile up on us faster every year. And, of course, all throughout wherever we find ourselves, sidereal or clock time just quietly ticks away.

A good friend...

Sometimes time can be a good friend. Pain and senses of loss can begin to lose their grips on our hearts if we will pass calmly through each day, letting the passage of time brings its healing flow through our lives.

We can let time assist us...

Best we make our peace with the element of time. Whether we are peasants or princes, we will be subject to the ebbs and flows of the hours and minutes of weeks, months and years. We can fight a seemingly unfriendly clock, or we can let time assist us by lining up with its constant movement.

Time can seem to stand still...

Perhaps in certain magic instances, time can seem to stand still for us, but not for long. In another instant it will be streaming along, and we with it. We will either do so willingly or combatively. The choice, as always, is ours.

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