Tuesday, April 7, 2015

On the Rosiest Dawn Ever


One recent morning I got out of bed to a sky that was blasted with a gold-tinged pink dawn. It was so pervasive that it crept around our window shutters and scattered pink all over the bedroom walls. The sky was so smitten, it seemed it could not bear to part with it, but, of course, it did. Dawns never stay; they make their startling entrances; flash their magnificent morning announcements, and then quietly fade away. I think they are very fickle; it may be that there is a feminine element to their characters… (La donna e mobile’, and all that)…and they are never the same.

Sumptuous sunrises...

Of course there have been other sumptuous sunrises, and there will be again, but I chose to celebrate this particular one. Probably because it reminded me of how nature, left to her own devices, can out-gorgeous just about anything humans can produce.

Some beautiful things simply show up...

What has this to do with the state of world affairs? Not a thing. I just think it is a good idea to remember that some beautiful things simply show up…lush, unasked for, free…we could not summon them, even if we wished to…to grace our lives, no matter what may be going on.

Some of the gifts of the spirit perhaps.

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