Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Bite-Sized Wisdom (5)

Number five in our series of spiritual practices is a great, active and obvious practice that cannot be missed when we set it in motion. It is Thanksgiving, and it is one of the most blessed uses of all mental techniques. There is a great, open place created in us when we engage in thanksgiving, for it acknowledges what we already have, thereby creating room for even more. The man of my heart has uttered for years and years, “Thank you, Papa. Send some more.” For him there is great meaning in these few words, which stamp the divine seal of Good on what he has and all that is yet to come to him.

"Primes the pump"......

It is a very good idea to give thanks at the outset of every day for what we have, be it a lot or a little. This gratitude practice “primes the pump,” so to speak, for the welcome of all possibilities that come to us. There is active, vital very present openness to Good so that what is ours to have by right of consciousness comes right for us rather than having to plod through a mind full of misgivings.

No mistaking thankful people...

Genuine thanksgiving always holds joy within its energies. There is no mistaking thankful people, for the atmosphere of expectancy is vibrant around them. And why not? The practice of giving thanks is a vigorous recognition of our place in a giving universe. There is a natural circulation in the universe which moves through all its forms. How much we, as receptive forms, enjoy depends upon how well we understand the practice of giving thanks. We can receive, or we can deny ourselves new possibilities by talking ourselves out of the Gifts of The Spirit through self blame and morbid stories. As always, the choices are ours. Choose to be thankful!

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