Tuesday, October 10, 2017

On Courage

    We often think people courageous if they are performing great deeds of leadership, rescue or assistance, maybe even pulling people out of burning buildings. They may indeed be courageous, but often, though, when they are asked later about what they did, they often say they just “did it” without thinking because it was in front of them. I would tend to say that these individuals may be steadfast and bravely accountable to life’s circumstances, but not necessarily courageous, especially if their responses are automatic.

The quiet recesses of the heart...

To my mind, courage is often found in the quiet recesses of the heart of someone who chooses to act when he or she is shuddering with fear or revulsion. There is a decision to be made where no good options appear, but a decision must be made nonetheless. It may involve stepping forward into an outcome that is not knowable at the time. Or it may involve making decisions for a loved one who can no longer participate in them personally but who will certainly be the one affected by them. Sometimes life as we know it will be shattered…yet we are the ones who must act. Who among us would not find ourselves numbed with resistance or quietly fighting back against terror? Still, we make the choices, say the words, sign the papers, walk the footsteps because it is the best we know to do. We may even know somehow that it is the right thing to do. We may pray our way consistently throughout… and should… and still, right in front of us, it is what it is.

An amazing depth of courage...

Messy, perhaps, and deeply heartbreaking at times, but filled with an amazing depth of courage we didn’t know we had…yes!

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