Tuesday, December 19, 2017

On Contributions

Whenever we enter into any interactions, we are either adding to or taking from whatever is at hand. By our very natures we are not neutral, even if we are supposed to be. The appearance of our very bodies tells us that we have a stake in whatever is taking place.

Worked like a charm...

Many years ago when my younger brother and I were teenagers, we would argue regularly with our parents, as kids will. In our cases, whenever one of us was sounding off, the other would chime in, making a difficult situation even dicier. One day I had a huge insight. I figured that if one of us had an issue with a parent, if the other stayed out, things would not get nearly so out of hand and we would not end up being mad at each other. We tried it, and it worked like a charm. No unnecessary contributions, no added upsets, much more comfortable living.

Just creating new ugliness?...

Which brings us into today’s convoluted world… Are we doing some good with our contributions… or just creating new ugliness? For instance, are those involved in current campus free speech derring-do’s really interested in presenting alternative ideas… or are they more interested in inciting violence? We may be individuals living in a free country, but we are not islands unto ourselves. What we say and do causes ripples, if not outright crashing waves! It is against the law to yell “Fire!” in a crowded room just for kicks. Is it any less against the law to knowingly set crowds against one another with loaded speech meant to create destruction and injury?

Affirm life?...

My favorite, self-introspective thought of all time is: Does what I contribute affirm life? Good question!

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You might also enjoy "On Compassion." 

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