Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Every Thought is a Prayer

Those of us who have been in the “spirituality business” know the importance of prayer. Sundays were always a most important day for us, especially if we were in pulpits. Gathered within that day were talks or sermons, the best music we could manage, and, most importantly, powerful prayer. We all did out best to help bring a renewing experience of Infinite proportions to our congregations, and often we succeeded.

"Sunday thoughts"...

What was more difficult was extending the healing, uplifting atmosphere throughout the week, when our thoughts were often very different than “Sunday thoughts.” Our prayers on Sunday were powerful and concentrated, but what about “non-Sunday thoughts?” What about casual, non-considered thinking? Have we discovered that even these thoughts act as prayer, perhaps not as strongly focused as intentional prayer, but as Ernest Holmes, the progenitor of The Science of Mind, has written, “We are always causing something to be created for us.”

Are we optimistic?...

Perhaps we should take greater notice of our general attitudes and “default” thinking! Are we optimistic, looking to spread our good into life? Or do we get caught in discouraging, negative ideas? If we realize that the most important tool we have for living is our capacity to think, perhaps we should begin to change some attitudes and give attention to what we are sending out mentally. If every thought touches the action of prayer, seems like a very good idea!

http://More Essays About Everything is now available on Amazon

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