Tuesday, January 29, 2019

On Starting Over

     These days I find myself in an interesting position, one I had never imagined. At the plummy age of 80 plus, I am starting over. The days of creating careers and families are past, but as a freshly-minted widow, I now need to recast the older segment of my days because the main thrust of my life for several years is now gone. As many readers know, when your life revolves around another's care, it can become quite narrowly focused. Those years were a trust and a treasure, and now they’re complete.

Rest and heal...

I discovered that, first, you need to rest and heal. The energies that loving care takes must be restored, and the sense of terrible loss… sometimes mixed with relief… must begin to abate before you can begin to look outside yourself. Then the question becomes: Is there still a place for me?

There is no hurry...

Yes, there is, you will find! All the skills and wisdoms you honed over the years have not left, and you will gradually discover them lying in wait for you. Life, in the form of family, friends and new people you have yet to meet, need the gifts you formed over time. It may be slow starting but your steady hand will reveal itself over time. There is no hurry. A “destination” or two over the weeks will get you moving and interested again. Believe me, breakfasts with buddies can be a very good start.

Be kind to yourself...

Be patient; be kind to yourself; don’t worry about the missteps, and allow for breakdowns. Others will be glad to have you again. Love and let yourself be loved a lot. Starting over, after all, is a process… and it’s not for sissies!

http://More Essays About Everything is now available on Amazon

You may also enjoy "On The Many Faces of Love." 


  1. Sorry to learn of your recent loss, Margaret. As a follower of your writing for many years, I know you have a wonderful tool chest with a deep, spiritual connection to Source. Wishing you many blessings as you move forward.

  2. Thank you for sharing yourself with us and for all the writing you do. You have an organic way of reflecting Spirit. Blessings and love to you!

  3. I appreciate you. I see you in front of that beautiful stained glass window in the Oakland hills, you are all decked out in your Sunday best. Such beautiful dresses and a beautiful woman. Of course the best part was listening to your sermons, you “painted pictures in my mind” as I so often told my parents at Sunday brunch. And I smile thinking of Rev Victor, he made me smile.

    I must have listened to your Sermon “Put the Parrot in the Freezer” a dozen times. I think I wore out that cassette tape circa 1990.

    You won’t know me by name or sight. I was always visiting from out of town, or we were at a big gathering. I have been a practitioner for 16 years in West Sacramento. I always enjoy reading your articles. You still paint pictures in my mind. You were the first SOM minister I heard speak. Anytime I visited my parents in the Bay Area we did our best to come to Oakland to hear you speak.

    I am smiling and my heart is full thinking of you and Rev Victor. You have touched so many hearts and minds. I look forward to reading about your future adventures as you share your gifts with the world. Thank you, Dale Covey

  4. I am so sorry to hear your beloved husband passed away. I know you have the spiritual strength within you to continue your life’s journey.
    I wanted to reach out and thank you for writing &
    sharing your divine wisdom in the Daily Guides during month of January in the Science of Mind Magazine. I have been enjoying reading the daily guides for decades & your daily guides have brought me greater insight on the issues in my life that I would like to improve. They have provided a deeper connection with divine guidance & strengthen my relationship with God which I am so grateful for. Blessings. Mary Martin

  5. Oh my dear one. We have never met. I read your January dailies in SOM Magazine and felt deeply who you are. I was in Sausalito for 6 years-bi-coastal with Kingston NY where I am now. Turning 74 on Valentines Day starting a new website and manifesting a project. Your presence came up in my prayer time yesterday as I asked for help in how to proceed with my “work” with the Crystalheart Family of Dolls, stories and more. I am married only 7 years to George and can imagine your feelings of loss and liberation as I imagine the truth of loving and caring for a life partner and then having him move from body to Spirit. Each day brings a new opportunity to taste and savor the love that is pouring forth from Spirit. I send you love and blessings today and will contact you at your gmail address or maybe phone. later today. Ps. This fabricinthe wind is an old blog. Egoddesses@aol.com is my favorite email. ( I had a design biz called Everyday Goddesses in the past.)
