Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Gifts from the Wildflowers

I take daily walks around my neighborhood, which is a form of exercise that is just right for me, and lately I have noticed that one of my neighbors has seeded a small strip of bare ground between his sidewalk and the street with wildflowers. I know the seeds were tossed at random because the flowers are in no order whatsoever. Wherever they landed, they sprang up and blossomed. Seeing this little spot of vitality and color reminds me of how fulsome and beautiful things can be when left to their own devices.

A sweet secret...

And that’s a sweet secret, isn’t it! The flowers are left to their own inner instructions with no human meddling to disrupt their natural order. These days so many areas of our lives are given over to right time, right place, right order, all engineered to suit our wants and needs. How wonderful it is when we can take our hands off what is before us and simply let things unfold as they will! Their unforced quality can be simply charming and enticing and often quite beautiful.

The natural unfoldment...

We could indeed intend to live our lives more according to the natural unfoldment of their courses. We will probably wonder about what blooming surprises might present themselves to us, and I seriously doubt we would be disappointed!

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1 comment:

  1. I read your essays every week and love them, but this one is outstanding. As someone that has lived by the seat of his pants for most of his 59 years, this gives me some validation. LOL.
    I am blessed to have a Wife that lives within structure or we wouldn't have a roof over our heads and food in our bellies, but her ying to my yang has a certain symetry and balance as I have always lived without structure, much like the wildflowers.
    Thank you again, Yours in Love,
