Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Continual Newness


            Try as we might, no matter how much we may wish to stay fixed on a few facts, we cannot avoid the onset of newness on a daily basis.  Every day as we awaken, we are greeted with something new, beginning with a sun that sits in the sky differently than it did the day before.

Nothing new under the sun…          

Therefore, even if we declare that there is “nothing new under the sun” happening in our lives, we would clearly be mistaken.  In fact wisdom would suggest that we leave an open spot in ourselves for the surprises… large and small… that will take place in our circumstances.  Not to do so will set us up for all sorts of uncomfortable events.

A perpetual sense of newness…        

The benefits of such open-endedness should be obvious, for if we encourage an unfinished arena within us, there will be a hesitation to resist many unexpected changes that can take place over time, thus encouraging a kind of anticipation of the unknowns that lie around the corner.  This can also encourage a perpetual sense of newness, which encourages as well a more youth-oriented mind set.

            Nothing the matter with growing older as long as the approaching years do not hinder our curiosity nor keep us from the natural investigations of the unknowns that continually loom before us!

 More Essays on Everything is now available on Amazon. 

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