Tuesday, April 8, 2014

On Resistance and Non-Resistance

There are great capabilities in the human animal for resisting what lies in front of him and and also in simply letting situations have their way. The wisdom, of course, lies in knowing when to do which. Some believe that non-resistance is always the key, but I think that many bad behaviors are allowed to continue because someone did not say no when no was required. Small children have their periods of resistance to everything because they need to flex their budding individualities. They also miss a great deal by not falling in line when falling in line has good lessons to teach. “My-way-or-the-highway” tribalism produces very little in in the unwilling participants and often grows the seedlings of underground resistance.

No one resists a true leader...

An old friend of mine once said that if we, as leaders, are at the back of the crowd pushing, we are on the wrong end. No one resists a true leader, and the leader who is open to being led…by guidance…by insights…by greater knowledge…is one who forces nothing. People will be at the side of one who invites rather than demands.

...You give way a bit in order to go forward...

Then there are those of us who have a little tweak in our brains that says, ”Because you want me to do this, it is the last thing I’ll do.” Kids, maybe, but persisting with this into adulthood?? Makes no sense. Sometimes we just have to know that you give way a bit in order to go forward. There really is a wisdom in knowing when a strong no saves a situation and when a quiet yes allows freedom and creativity.

Wish I always knew which word to use!

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