Tuesday, June 2, 2015

On Quieting the Mind

         I think most of us know that it is the calm, steady mind that gets us where we want to go, not just the possession of a healthy body. There is just so much pushing and shoving that physical strength can force, but the mind that does our bidding is what causes us to actually grow up and advance in life. It may be the brain that is the chief organizing and determining organ, but many believers think that Mind is in every cell. If we are believers in Oneness with all life, then it would follow that Mind, our major connection with the Infinite, will be found everywhere. The ontologist, Ernest Holmes, said that “the mind I use is the Mind of God.”

Consistently creative...

Believers or not, we could still consider how well we are using our mental powers. I personally think that the ability to put our thoughts together in coherent form is what enables us to be consistently creative. Let’s ask ourselves: Can we think of one thing at a time? Or are our thoughts scattered all over the place, bombarding us with ideas that simply come and go? Learning to quiet the mind will not only bring peace but greater health at every level.

Practicing meditation...

How about….practicing meditation, which would help us to slow down the flow of thoughts and focus gently on one image or subject? Or being careful about what we put in our bodies? We all know what alcohol and drug use can do, especially when they take away the ability to concentrate, which I consider our major talent. If we cannot concentrate our thoughts, it becomes obvious quickly that we really waste our great, thinking energies. Then there is the openness to inspiration. What if we let our minds be receivers of all sorts of possibilities? We, personally, are not the only initiators of ideas. What if Mind really is everywhere? We also have at our command a technique called thought stopping. If we find ourselves making up all sorts of stories, we can actually “take thought” and say STOP! We can interrupt the unruly flow right where it is, step back mentally and push the re-set button to another track. This takes attention and sometimes courage, but it is definitely do-able.

Worth every effort...

Believe it! The quiet mind is worth every effort to achieve, and it is the only thing
 that brings peace.

More Essays About Everything is now available on Amazon

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