Monday, July 15, 2013

On The Verdict

Of course we are caught up in the news, decisions and actions of the  Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman case. We would have to be on another planet not to be, and we will have to be wise enough to know that we are getting the heat, emotions and enough dispensation of information to make sure we stay angry and upset. Of course we have a media-eye view of a terrible act and a tragic death. Of course we are processing how we think and feel about all of this. A young man died, and another young man will be dogged his whole life by his devastating act. One lost his physical life; another will be reaping the consequences of what he did in ways we cannot yet know, regardless of our opinions about the jury's verdict. 

A media-eye view

Only one thing can be counted on: We do not really know all the genuine facts about that combative situation, and we will not. However this will not keep us from making up what we do not know and will encourage some to slash and burn, making a terrible tragedy even worse by extending it into more violence.

We do not know

In order to assuage their feelings of discomfort and confusion, some want to say: "I am Trayvon Martin," or "I am George Zimmerman." We are neither, for if we see ourselves this way, we descend back into the mindset these two young men were caught in. We become as bewildered as they were. We have no help to give.

Help to give

We have gifts to bring. Let us bring ourselves into the mix with whatever love, mindfulness and inclusive thinking we have to give. Let's do some good. Rather than going off half cocked, ready to throw fists, angry words or worse at the perceived "other," let us stand in a stable place of healing and recognize one another as spiritual beings moving through a hard place.

Gifts to bring

Many of us are old enough to have been through harm and hurt like this before...many times. Let's not go there again.

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