Tuesday, January 26, 2016

When Nothing's Working...

  Adversarial camps...      

In the my-way-or-the-highway world of the west, you can be sure that the time will come when nothing’s working. There is no open road; nothing meshes, and everyone seems firmly planted in their adversarial camps…very much like today’s House and Senate members of the U.S .Congress.. We, the people, are watching and waiting for wisdom to appear somewhere.

Banded adversaries...

Blessedly we individuals not running for public office have our own wisdoms to unleash, and even the smallest amount of letting go of our cherished positions allows for the magic of flow to begin to take place. It begins with a softening of the mind, and sometimes a non-verbal clue or gesture can signal an opening when a stout word only reinforces gridlock. Given the briefest opening, sometimes a niggling thought emerges that says, “This is really dumb.” It’s a lot tougher for banded adversaries…like Congress…to allow such openings, but individuals have the freedom to renew their thoughts and actions and let them turn around.

Breakdowns occur...

In the world of relationships of all kinds, breakdowns occur. The violent and unhealthy may shoot their way to another reality, but people who have safety inside them also know that all hard places can pass. Sometimes it is enough to just lay back for awhile and let the built-up “heat” begin to cool. People who have been at relationships for a while know to “let be” so that love and reason…which actually do work together…can resurface. It is natural for harmonious accord to begin to appear. It is unnatural when it does not and usually means that someone or something keeps poking a sore.

Quieting thought...

There is that place in us that knows that, if we say one more word, we’ll be into a world of push-back. It takes restraint, constraint and sometimes a whole lot of quieting thought to know that healing takes place in its own time and its own way; sometimes it cannot be hurried and certainly cannot be forced.

More Essays About Everything is now available on Amazon

You might also enjoy "On Letting Go"

1 comment:

  1. Going back to another essay "On Religion" in which John Davidson goes "secular" and scraps the bible as superstitious, it seems to me that we are largely in a state of utter chaos today because we are throwing away with both hands the only road map we have, which is, like it or not, the Word made flesh, a.k.a. The Bible.

    In our New Age has enabled the dawn of a neo paganism that has made morality obsolete and in its wake, has created a more than ominous threat to the future of humanity by forcing us to believe that sexual preference and liberal rectitude, another form of extremism, if not fascism, what we are supposed to accept as normal.

    We can wander through the wastelands of nothingness for decades, but when the time comes that things get darker than they already are, we will be grateful for the roadmap that we will always be able to turn to and the one commandment that is --- unequivocally, the absolute; "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." (Exodus, 20:3). The danger here, however, is the narcissists that have managed to hijack our country believe they are the gods, and as a result have been given carte blanche by a hoi polio obsessed with political correctness, to systematically strip us of morality while bringing about the death of culture. Perhaps we are misguided in the way we employ our power to wonder because we at some point in time were unable to learn how to incorporate the formality of gospel teachings with every day life, because we became too distracted by earthly things and keeping up with the Joneses.

    As the laywoman Dorothy Day points out, there comes a time when we welcome the opportunity to practice obedience to that which is so powerfully and masterfully magnificent that there can be no doubt whatsoever of not only the teachings of the bible, but of the Word made Flesh.

    So narcissism is loosed from its chains, and human beings perceive themselves wronged by something called "gender assignment" because the dog thinks he was supposed to be a cat. But we're supposed to call this normal while our churches fly the new swastikas called rainbows to celebrate not God, but the confusion that replaces His love with sex. It is a very sorry day when humanity, like fungi, boasts some 56 genders now on Facebook and our president dictates our tax dollars to fund abortions for transgenders while our seniors fret over the future of Social Security.
