Tuesday, August 6, 2019

On Becoming Ageless

   We are all aware of the haste of passing years when we are young and active. We admire the skill with which we play favored sports, the strength in legs that seem to run endlessly from dawn to dusk, needing only to put our feet up now and again to take a little time out. The trouble is that young energies do not last forever, and we will begin to notice a slackening in speed, some slowing of skill, and weariness that begins to creep up on us. We are growing older, and for some this is a deep tragedy, something to be mourned.

Kindness, compassion and a greater capacity to love...

For others, however, if slackening speed and endless jump shots begin to be replaced by kindness, compassion and a greater capacity to love, we may discover that we are actually trading up in our abilities to let increasing age bring us greater gifts in living. Interestingly enough…we may find that we are not so much losing skills through aging as advancing in wisdom through attentiveness. Could it be that the ageing process seems to be actually slowing down in some ways as our living process expands? As our value to life increases, might we actually become more ageless?

Lovely youngsters...

Yes, we were lovely youngsters, full of steam and vigor, but perhaps our greatest beauties are yet to be as we look outward to the world’s action with increasing depths.

http://More Essays About Everything is now available on Amazon

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1 comment:

  1. Your words speak loud truth for me as I approach 76 and seem to allow fears and living in the past the over power my thinking. My silent thoughts are loud and taking over my life more than i want to admit. I really appreciate your clear articulation of infinite intelligence
