Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Power of Good

One of our local TV News Channels has labeled a segment of its daily programs, “The Power of Good,” and it tries to carry this out by presenting an uplifting, good-news story, even in the midst of the sorrows and sadnesses that are present in the coronavirus pandemic. Perhaps the news people are trying to remind us that basic love and goodness always await re-emergence in life every chance they get. Perhaps we are on hand to remember the essential, affirmative undertone of living that is always ready to inspire us as it sometimes struggles to come forth during hard times. And the thing is… it always does eventually.

Maybe the Power of Good is a true element in our lives. Maybe it is more natural to us than we know. Believers accept this. Others often sense it. Certainly we see it in the considerations of others… businesses assisting their employees, local governments protecting their communities, people looking to help those who need special assistance. The holy affirmation of life seems to be at work within all its minions, and if we will look up, we can see and feel the healing radiance as it simply begins to re-appear in the natural order of things.

Blessedly, we have each other to lean on, for we may have to hang tough for a while, but we have tools at hand… prayer and partnerships, enhancing expectations, coming together, even if we have to stand apart for a while. The Power of Good is, indeed, real, and we are part of Its "go forth".

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