Tuesday, September 22, 2020



It does not take much effort for us to notice the distinctions among us. Our belief is that we all use the Mind of God whenever we think, and we all think in vastly different ways, which would be perfectly natural. We are not pawns on an Infinite chessboard, pushed around by an arbitrary Creator to suits Its whims and desires. Instead we are given the tremendous gift of individuality, which allows us to use the wonderful power at our disposal any way we like. There is incredible sovereignty in this gift---we can use Universal Power unimpeded by anything except our own, self-imposed limitations--- and there is unavoidably responsibility as well. We must and we will answer for this use.

We need all of us...

Of course we will think indifferent ways, and one of our jobs in life will be to honor and value these contrasts. We need all of us… and we need all our differences in living, for the Infinite Mind cannot be consumed by one major thinker. It must be shared by the imaginations of myriad numbers of those whose vistas are unique. Wisdom lies in our willingness to receive new ways of being in the world, and, in fact, to anticipate what another may perceive that we do not.

How much broader and more interesting can we become than when we are investigating the ideas of another?

       http://More Essays About Everything is now available on Amazon

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