Tuesday, September 8, 2020

On Carrying On

    What does it mean to carry on? Does it mean staying the course? Continuing in the same vein? Making sure our lives are recognizable? Perhaps it means that we can be counted on to remain faithful to friends, to ideas, to lifestyles, to continuing to be who we and others know us to be. In a world that is rife with schisms, disappointments and confusions, it is more important than ever to show up in life as people who consistently remain who they are.

We ourselves can decide...

Sometimes families give us a sense of who we are consistently, but even when they don’t, we ourselves can decide the lives that are appropriate for us. Do we want to be regarded as truthful, compassionate, considerate and devoted? With “staying power” and determination? Are we some of the world’s stalwarts, those who can be seen as standing forth, even in small ways, when others run off?

We can carry on...

We can carry on in any manner when we decide what is important to us, for then our energies will consistently move in those directions. It will simply be natural for us to “carry on” in the ways that have become part of our very being. As human/spiritual beings, then, it is necessary to be clear about what holds meaning for us and where we shall direct our love. In this way we may be sure to bring our good into the world.

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