Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Thinking Out Loud

Now and again, when we find ourselves in a good place with ourselves, we will find ourselves “thinking out loud”… simply being in a wonderful state of inner harmony where we can actually “hear” the thoughts that are occupying space in our minds. This is such an experience, one in which our thoughts can seem so voluminous it almost appears that those close to us can actually hear them. They can’t, of course, but what if they could? Would our soaring ideas be so thunderous that others would be moved by them?

Ground Breaking...

At times like these I am often sorry that others can’t hear what we are thinking (and, to be sure, sometimes it is just as well that they don’t!) But what of those marvelous ideas that rumble in our minds? Would some not prove ground breaking? Would they not offer a range of paths to walk and actions to take that might actually prove life enhancing?

Change lives...

Wouldn’t it be something to actually suspend what we are doing and be deeply attentive to the thoughts that are shouting themselves into being? Could they change lives? Could they bring something brand new into form? I believe that we have access to the grandest and deepest thoughts of the Infinite. Wouldn’t it be something to capture a grand idea that is announcing itself to us and act upon it?

More Essays About Everything is now available on Amazon

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