Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Be ye kind

There is a Biblical quotation in Eph. 4:32 that holds within it the simple words, Be ye kind.  And how wonderful and matchless kindness is when we experience it in our lives!  In a way, it provides a softness and a comfort that nothing else can give… if only we will stop long enough to experience this most magnificent quality of living.

Depth and patience...          

 We are often such vigorous participants in our own lives that we may be a bit dismissive of some of the quieter qualities that make life dear and sweet around us, but there is a fullness and solidity that kindness can give to us, and we would not want to miss this.  It gives us a depth and patience that few life turns do.

Thought and attention...            

One of the interesting qualities that being kind involves is a slowing down of our daily movements because kindness takes thought and attention, which also takes time.  Kindness needs time to play itself out during days which can be jammed with demands, for it cannot be demanded; it can only be given freely over whatever necessary minutes or hours it may take to unfold.

I think we know by now that a good life means one that includes many incredible qualities, such as love, peace, joy, harmony and order.  I count kindness among this esteemed group as well.

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