Tuesday, June 1, 2021


These days the idea and the experience of home hold more multiple meanings than ever. Home can, of course, refer to a physical location that holds background, comfort and safety among relatives; but it also presents many psychological meanings, such as gathering places where like minds can settle in and also convivial ideas that are shared by many, ideas that are supportive and bolstering in times of discomfort and unrest.

Senses of home...

I am trusting that we are all securing for ourselves and others the senses of home that we can obtain and also offer. Home may sometimes be considered in a provincial sense, which is a narrowed space offered to small groups that “belong together,” but at these times the expansion of home contains an enlarged invitation to be with others, be congenial, be welcoming, be loving, be… at home.

Goodwill and mutual support...

These are not the times to be laying back and hanging out by oneself. They are the times to stoke family groups or congenial communities and be a part of what accepts and offers goodwill and mutual support. For stability and for health’s safe, let us, then, recognize and participate in what is so readily needed… a place of refuge and regeneration. We may also find that we will, ourselves, sometimes play a part in that place called home by the very gifts of centered selves that we bring.

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