Tuesday, December 30, 2014

On Saying Yes


Students of spirituality will certainly come across the idea called the Law of Mind, often called by other names, such as the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Giving and Receiving, the Law of Reciprocity, or just simply the phrase: As ye sow, so shall ye reap. This comes up because of the way Infinite Mind appears to work when dealing with creation. Our belief is that the mind we use is the Mind of God. As far as we are concerned, God always is saying yes to us, for the Law does not contradict itself and does not care whether we are wise or woeful in the way we think. Essentially it must return to us the results of what we are thinking. It’s as if the Law is saying: You want it; you got it.

Misery begets more misery...

How does this work? In a word or two, we can say that if we are miserable, misery begets more misery; happiness produces more happiness; violence create more violence, and this is taking place whether we know what we are doing or not. We understand that the Law is no respecter of persons. Ernest Holmes, the spiritual philosopher, said that we cannot gather roses from thistles.

Setting a new landmark in place...

So what, you say? Well, this gives new meaning to the popular phrase: Change your thinking; change your life. Things can be different; we can think in new ways, and especially can we view ourselves in new ways, perhaps as Wayne Dyer says, as spiritual beings living a human life. We are coming up on a brand, new year, which can be simply the turning of a calendar page to another day or setting a new landmark in place.

Are we hopeful, self approving....

Let’s look at what we are giving the Law of Mind to say yes to. Are we hopeful, self approving, willing to cast our thoughts in more creative directions so that life holds a positive yes? Or is it cynicism and self laceration as usual, setting the stage for more of the same old same old.

It always says yes...

Mind is not influenced by whether we are young or old, big or small, just starting out or have gone many miles along the way. It always says yes. Let us make it work for us more than ever!

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