Tuesday, May 17, 2016

On the Power of NO


As willing, positive thinkers, spiritually-minded people learn to cast their thoughts on uplifting ideas, which is wonderful and healthy. We want to make sure our divine connection is strong and affirmative, so much so that we sometimes become concerned if we find ourselves thinking in negatives. We try to avoid negativity at all times. Understandable… but we should not forget that there is a great, cleansing power contained in a strong NO. A refusal of conditions contained in the NO that sweeps away mental debris can clarify our paths and make possible brand new mind sets.

A powerful NO...

Consider the Biblical tale of Paul on the road to Damascus, found in the Book of Acts, Chap. 9. We find Saul, a “zealous” Pharisee persecuting the new sect of Christians who are gathering themselves after the death of the Master, Jesus. Suddenly he experienced a powerful NO, a blinding light that cast him to the ground as a voice cried “Saul, why do you persecute me?” For three days Saul was blinded, and when he recovered his sight, he was changed in every way. He discovered something about himself that he did not know was present. He found a belief he could embrace and follow for the rest of his life. Saul became Paul, the disciple who was greatly responsible for bringing the Christian message to the gentile world of the Middle East. He was a man who found a great positive in his life while passing through a great, negative experience.

Sit at its feet...

We should perhaps not worry so much when a great negative confronts us. It may hold gifts that only come by passing through the experience and not fighting it. When we become aware of the power of a great NO, we can sit at its feet and learn from it, perhaps to become more effective and expansive at living than we had ever imagined!

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