Tuesday, January 31, 2017

On Kindness

Lately I have been noticing a very interesting phenomenon in the form of random outbreaks of day-brightening acts of kindness. Nothing special necessarily, no big deal, they seem to rise up almost organically with no special organization. For instance, instead of cars whizzing by me when I back out of my garage, which they usually do, some seem to cut me a break by waiting patiently as I pull out into the street. When I am running errands people smile and wave, seemingly wishing strangers well as if to pass on a welcoming day. I am not the only one noticing this as others of my friends are feeling openings that had not shown up before.

 Desire to reconnect...

What’s up, I am wondering? Is it the innate desire to reconnect with people torn apart because of the separative nature of the recent election? Is it simply missing the ease with which we used to greet one another? Over the weeks leading up to the election so many casual boundaries were blasted away by the atmosphere of so much fear and hatred that perhaps we are feeling we must rebuild a new, more invitational connection? Could we be experiencing a strange, hidden blessing coming out of a period when so much misery was inflicted on so many?

I'm for it...

Whatever it is, I’m for it, and I myself am participating in the “kindness movement.” I’m paying more attention to what goes on around me. Does a mother need help getting a gaggle of little kids across the street? Can I offer a smile and a word of greeting to a hurrying stranger? Can I resurrect what used to be a very astute listening ear for one who needs to be heard?

Never again forget...

And may I never again forget what kindness really means nor thoughtlessly allow it to be erased from our land ever again!

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