Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Grass Roots Goodness

       I imagine that many of us belong to small “listserves” or groups where we gather from time to time. Some are strictly neighborhood concerns, others larger and more inclusive, but I have noticed that some endemic concerns have begun to show up week by week that carry troubling undertones. What we seem to be considering, whatever our major interests may be, are the dismissive tones of callous behaviors and disrespectful language we are often throwing around to one another; and somewhere along the line, we have begun to question these disconcerting acts as unseemly behaviors from people who should know better! It is almost as if we are asking: Is this us? Is this good treatment of other people? Is this now the “American Way”?

What we can expect of ourselves....

The good part of this seems to be that, almost organically and without organized activities, we want to correct this situation. We are beginning to remember ourselves as loving (yes, loving!) human beings who are responsible to ourselves and each other. Whatever has been creating the upset, be it “Trump fatigue” or something else, seems not to be important, only that we consider who we are and what we can expect of ourselves.

 Correction is not a big deal....

Another good part of this awareness is that correction is not a big deal. We don’t have to form groups, create societies, invent new behaviors. We just have to get out of bed each morning intending to do better! There are no courses to take, classes to attend. We don’t have to report in, except to ourselves. It does not matter what others do, only what our own acts and intentions are.

Simple, grass roots goodness....

At the end of the day we may ask: “Did I help? Did I listen? Did I speak with the voice of calmness and caring? Was I the one who did as I would be done to?” Here is where simple, grass roots
goodness may be found.

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