Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The Power of Prayer

I think that prayer is our most concentrated effort to make consciousness contact with God. As such, it is probably the most powerful stream of thought we can exercise. Yes, we can get very heated and energized through anger, but the direct aim at the Infinite through prayer has to top all mental activities.

Directing our thoughts...

Why, then, aren’t we praying all day long? Why aren’t we directing our thoughts Godward all the time? Actually some people do attempt this, but for many of us, our Divinely-directed mental work is often slim or occasional, which begs the question: What would our lives be like if we spent more time in prayer? How much more focused… how much more loving… how much more effectively guided would we be?

Hone our minds to be directive....

In all our mental activities, we could hone our minds to be directive, intentional in scope and determined to bring our good forward, and one of our most powerful tools comes through thoughtful, beautiful ideas encased in prayer. We could choose to grace each day’s beginning with considerate prayer work; then perhaps a reminder along the middle of the day, topping all off with a peaceful prayer of completion at day’s end.

What gifts we would bring to ourselves and to life if we simply decided to engage in the wonder of prayer throughout the day!

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