Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Winging It

We have all had times in our lives when we found ourselves in the uncomfortable position of “winging it.” This usually refers to something unplanned in our lives that happens, and we find ourselves suddenly shifting to respond to what is needed. In common parlance, this is often called “winging it,” and it refers to the sudden need to invent something on the spot to try to take care of our emergency. Sometimes this instant replay works well, but sometimes not, and the outcomes frequently are determined by how flexible we are when a sudden change of plans occurs.

Surprises can be fun...

Surprises can be fun, but not if they terminally disrupt something we carefully put in order. Perhaps then it belongs to us to consider how moveable our days are. Are we, for instance, so tightly bound to the plans of the day that an unexpected event will totally undo a careful agenda, or can we stop a moment to re-think what lies before us?

God's Surprises...

It’s helpful to have a mode for “winging it” built into our daily living so that we can, from time to time take a few new turns if we need to. A comfortable, invitational day can allow for this so that we can include what I like to call “God’s surprises.” There is always more than we know that awaits us, so it helps to be open and ready to “wing it.”

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