Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Let's Accept Ourselves


            For years we have read and been told that we should accept ourselves for who we are, and for all those years, many of us have blown off this advice, thinking somehow that it was shallow and misguided.  We were wrong to do so.  To know ourselves, to put forth the best of ourselves has been one of the best choices ever.  There are many, many others, but there has always been just one of us, and it is the acceptance of this that allows us to excel at living our lives.

 Our natural excellences simply await...

 Deflecting our precious energies into wanting to be someone or something else has always been a crowning waste of time when our natural excellences simply await our acceptance and enhancement of who we are.  Enhancement is the key.  We can always take a built-in goodness and burnish it into a high gift… something we can give that makes life around us better.

We should be more comfortable with ourselves...     

If we have lived a few years we should be more comfortable with ourselves.  We should know the inner places we can reach for when we need to stand strong in our lives.  This comes about when we know what to expect of ourselves, when we have allowed ourselves to develop our own, personal expertise.  How wonderful and delightful it is to be expert at being the person before us in the mirror!   What could be better?

http://More Essays About Everything is now available on Amazon.

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