Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The Peace that passes Understanding


       The Bible speaks of “the peace that passes understanding,” which can mean that peace can be highly experiential.   One does not have to figure out all the inlaid whorls of peace to be able to engage in it.  We can simply lay back, let go and let ourselves be softly overcome by streams, layers, undulations and movements of peace.  The trick is to let ourselves be emptied of angst and concern because peace and deep dismay do not exist at the same time.

Peace underlies our well being...            

We do not have to understand why this is so.  We only have to be aware that peace underlies our well being, and when we are not grappling with problems or being besieged by worry, it simply shows up… as if it were lying in wait; and if we were to think about this a bit, we might see that it probably is; hence, the peace that passes understanding.

"Let go and let God"...           

 How simple, how comforting it is to be able to “let go and let God,” to trust in the Infinite to dissolve what does not belong and to clear the path before us so that peace may take its natural course.  No understanding is needed here, simply enough trust that multiple modes of peace may unfold before us.

More Essay on Everything is now available on Amazon.


1 comment:

  1. This really speaks volumes to me, thank you Dr. Stortz.
    Yours in Love and Peace,
