Tuesday, May 27, 2014

On Being in Neutral

Some of us remember life before dishwashers, when you stood before a sink full of dirty dishes, made a few strokes over a dish with a sponge or dishcloth, dunked it in warm rinse water and parked it in a drainer. Obviously this was not rocket science, and it took no thought to repeat this motion over and over until all the dishes were draining. Because it took no thought, in my pre-dishwasher days, I would soon find myself disconnected from active thinking, kind of in the space between mindfulness and mindlessness; in other words…in neutral, enjoying a kind of vacation from focused thinking. Dishwashers aside, I have made sure to keep a neutral space at hand because there is real magic in that disengaged spot. For one thing, “stuff” can come to me…ideas, answers, indicators, ways to go where before there were none.

"Stuff comes...

How often have I said that I am a believer in something greater than myself, so I do not have to remain dead ended when my mind won’t cooperate! Since I live in a sea of knowledge, if I will detach from success and failure, having and not having, seeking but not finding, “stuff” comes, and it seems to be directed to me.

Good news....

Good news! Anyone can do this! We need only find our particular means of disengagement, where the mind is as innocent as it can be, and “stuff” will come. In fact, over time the neutral place comes to know what we want or need and will funnel such to where the active mind can seize upon it.

Just a little relaxed openness...

The fun part about this is that we can all activate the neutral place (Hmmm….Is this a contradiction in terms?) It takes no special training, just a little relaxed openness, and our gems will begin to arrive.

And it’s free too…

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