Tuesday, November 8, 2016

On a New Day

Today is Election Day in America. After a very contentious, ugly campaign we will soon have a new President, and perhaps we can begin a new day, one that Americans will have to create for themselves. The new President cannot do this for us and will probably need as much renewal as any of us after a long, national nightmare. It is time for us all to turn our backs on political disputes for a while and return again to our spiritual sources, for we all need healing at many levels.

We have grown divisive and dismissive of one another. We have let ourselves fall into verbal, armed camps and have followed the leads of those who would pervert the inclusive American spirit and create enemies of those who disagree with us.

For those of us who are churchgoers, let us pray together for a united citizenry that sees itself as spiritual beings seeking the best for all of us. For those of us who contemplate our spiritual depths in our own ways, let us be open to the inspiration and guidance to live in accord with our best ideals.

Above all, let us insist on a united government, one that works with all its members, a government that is beyond partisan discords, a government that considers all, not just some, of its people. No more punitive behaviors, congressional paralysis and uncivilized talk! The American people are better than this and deserve governmental officials that will serve the people, not simply consolidate power and influence.

Let us, the American people, hold our new President and Congress to task and renew the ideals of truth telling and accountability. Let us demand a new day!

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You might also enjoy "On Lotsa Prayer." 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this reminder of our truth as Americans and as Spiritual beings. The election has shaken many - myself included, to the very core. Moving into a renewed sensibility is my deep desire.
